Frequently Asked Questions and How to Start
Frequently Asked Questions
+++ What does Pastor Michael do, and how can he help me? -
God does every miracle of this deliverance and blessing ministry, Pastor Michael is only an instrument in God's hands.
In the name of Jesus Christ and by the power of the Holy Spirit, Pastor Michael Louri removes curses, spells, voodoo, jinx, witchcraft, demonic influence/possession, and other manifestations of the spiritual forces of evil that may have been affecting your life, health, relationships, luck, career, and provides you with continuous protection from future influences of powers of this world's darkness on your life and help you to have a life that is full, rich and worth living on this earth, and eternal life in heaven through Jesus Christ.
"The thief's (Devil) purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life." -- Jesus (in John 10:10)
+++ What is required? -
“Man says, show me, and I’ll believe. God says, belief and I’ll show you.”
Believing in Jesus Christ as the only Lord and Savior, His death on the cross as payment for the sins of all people, and His resurrection on the third day, is an essential requirement for successful curse removal, deliverance, blessing, and spiritual protection.
“Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved, you and your household.” -- Acts 16:31
"...without faith it is impossible to please Him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe... -- Hebrews 11:6
+++ Can Pastor Michael help anyone? -
Pastor Michael can help the majority (97%) of all who turn to him for help.
+++ Can Pastor Michael help me remotely? Do I have to see him in person? How does the process work? -
Pastor Michael helps people remotely through special prayers and other means of deliverance, healing, and removal of spiritual oppression. Each situation, case, and level of spiritual oppression is unique and requires a personalized solution. Everything necessary for deliverance, healing, and removal of spiritual oppression is sent to those in need by regular or expedited mail, countrywide or internationally. Instead of traveling to see every person in need, this approach makes Pastor Michael's help available and affordable to many more people across the globe.
+++ How soon will spiritual protection take effect? -
Spiritual protection against witchcraft/voodoo/curses will be active as soon as Pastor Michael adds you to his special prayers list, and you start receiving spiritual oppression removal accessories and special prayers.
+++ Was it a coincidence that I found Pastor Michael? -
Everything that happens happens for a reason. God doesn't have coincidences.
For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
-- GOD (in Jeremiah 29:11)
+++ Are demons real? -
Demons and Angels are very real spiritual beings, visible only when they need to be seen, able to take a human form when needed.
+++ How many demons are there? -
Over 130 million
+++ How rare are the demonic possessions and spiritual oppression through curses, voodoo, witchcraft, etc.? -
With 130+ million demons, not rare at all -
Mark 1:34 -- "...cast out many devils..." Luke 4:41 -- "...devils also came out of many..." Acts 8:7 -- "For unclean spirits, crying with loud voice, came out of many that were possessed with them..." Mark 6:13 -- "...they cast out many devils..." Matthew 8:16 -- "...they brought unto him many that were possessed with devils..."
+++ I've spent a lot of money on the services of psychics, tarot readers, fortune tellers, mediums, spiritual healers, etc. Now, I am in a worse situation than I was before. Why? -
God clearly condemns the activities of psychics, fortune tellers, spiritual healers, and similar...
“...do not let your people practice fortune-telling, or use sorcery, or interpret omens, or engage in witchcraft, or cast spells, or function as mediums or psychics, or call forth the spirits of the dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the Lord. It is because the other nations have done these detestable things that the Lord your God will drive them out ahead of you.” -- God (in Deuteronomy 18:10-12)
“Men and women among you who act as mediums or who consult the spirits of the dead must be put to death by stoning. They are guilty of a capital offense.” -- God (in Leviticus 20:27)
The truth is that most people who ask for Pastor Michael Louri's help today used to be customers/victims of psychics, tarot readers, mediums, etc. in the past.
+++ Why do bad things happen in my life? -
A spiritual war is going on for our souls, where Satan and his demons will stop at nothing to break your spirit and own your soul. They will use all available tools in their arsenal to torment you through lies and deceptions, direct and indirect demonic spiritual attacks, bad luck, financial difficulties, health problems, depression, break-ups, divorces, uncertainty in relationships, loss of employment, and many other ways to accomplish Devil's single most important goal - to turn us away from God and from everything good.
+++ Can my health problems result from spiritual oppression, curses, spells, voodoo, or witchcraft? -
Very often, the flesh is the gateway for demonic oppression. Many times (unless the curse is generational), demons gain entrance into a person's life through the impact on a person's health.
+++ What is spiritual protection, and how can it help me? -
“When an evil spirit leaves a person, it goes into the desert, searching for rest. But when it finds none, it says, ‘I will return to the person I came from.’ So it returns and finds that its former home is all swept and in order. Then the spirit finds seven other spirits more evil than itself, and they all enter the person and live there. And so that person is worse off than before.” -- Jesus (in Luke 11:24-26)
After spiritual oppression - curse, voodoo, witchcraft, etc. is removed, spiritual protection is a "spiritual" shield to bless and protect your life from the possibility of future curses, spells, voodoo, witchcraft, and other forms of spiritual attacks and oppression, for continuous blessing and protection against life problems, tragedies, trials, misfortunes, sickness, accidents, for a happy, healthy, fulfilled, meaningful and purposeful life, happiness in personal relations - family life, job stability, success in career & business endeavors, happiness in this life and reassurance of the next - salvation and eternal life in heaven through acceptance of Jesus Christ as your only Lord and Savior.
+++ My life is seriously affected by voodoo/witchcraft with actual physical demonic/evil spirits’ presence. Will Pastor Michael be able to help me?
95% of all ministry members reported that evil presence and direct/indirect tormenting and spiritual attacks reduce dramatically after the first 8-16 weeks and completely disappear after 21-45 weeks.
+++ l have (long-term/short-term) financial difficulties. / I lost my job. / My business is losing money. Can Pastor Michael help me? -
Over 93% of all members of Pastor Michael’s deliverance ministry reported that their financial problems went away after Pastor Michael’s prayers and the removal of spiritual oppression.
+++ I’m a college student. My classmates are getting ahead of me, my grades are non-passing, and I’m concerned that I may get kicked out of the school. How can Pastor Michael help me? -
91% of all students/ministry members reported that after the elimination of spiritual oppression, memorization of study materials significantly improved, and they outpaced their classmates in GPA, exam results, and overall test scores. Most reported receiving internships and job offers before graduating from college.
+++ Can Pastor Michael help me win the lottery? -
+++ I’m single, and I want to find my soulmate. Can Pastor Michael help me? -
94% of all members who asked Pastor Michael for help with relationships got married or engaged after spiritual oppression removal and spiritual protection. All of them still live “happily ever after,” with none of these marriages ending in divorce.
+++ I have problems in my marriage. Can Pastor Michael help me? -
If your marriage is affected by spiritual oppression (curse, voodoo, witchcraft, etc.) then yes, Pastor Michael can help - over 87% of members reported improvement in their marital relations after spiritual oppression removal and spiritual protection.
+++ I found out that I have a medical problem. I was diagnosed with... Can Pastor Michael help me? -
As a former medical doctor, Pastor Michael strongly recommends that you always follow the advice of your primary care physician and other health professionals directly involved in your care. However, through special prayers, removal of spiritual oppression, and spiritual protection, Pastor Michael will be praying for you and the doctors involved in your care and treatment to make the right decisions to properly treat your disease and remove the spiritual oppression that may be causing your illness. More than 89% of the participants reported a complete cure from the disease or a significant improvement in their health. Here is a list of just a few of the many diseases Pastor Michael was able to help with - cancer, heart disease, COPD, stroke, Alzheimer's disease, diabetes, pneumonia, complications of COVID-19, nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, chronic liver disease, cirrhosis, Parkinson, and many other illnesses.
+++ My boyfriend/girlfriend broke up with me. Can Pastor Michael help me to bring my boyfriend/girlfriend back?
God recognizes only one type of relationship between man and woman - marriage. At the same time, the Devil often wants to break up moral, pure, God-centered, premarital relationships/courtships to prevent the marriage from ever taking place. If your relationship problems are caused by spiritual oppression (often witchcraft or curse), then Pastor Michael can remove spiritual oppression that stands in the way of reconciliation of your relationship.
+++ After I start, how soon will I see changes in my life? -
Spiritual protection against witchcraft/voodoo/curses will be active as soon as Pastor Michael adds you to his special prayers list, starts praying for you, and you receive the first set of spiritual oppression removal accessories and special prayers.
Some members can see changes immediately; it may take some time for others. Each case is different due to the level and complexity of spiritual oppression.
There are three distinct phases of the process:
1. Preparing and receiving the first set of curse removal/protection items = 1-3 weeks
2. Deliverance, curse/voodoo/spells/witchcraft, and other evil spiritual oppression removals = on average 21 - 45 weeks.
3. Continuous spiritual protection = continuous
+++ Is there a way to expedite the process? -
Each case is different, but often, yes, there is. After you sign up, please ask Pastor Michael about this, and he will provide all available options for your specific case. Some people may notice positive changes in the first 2 - 3 weeks after the process begins; for others, it may take longer.
+++ How much does Pastor Michael charge for his help? -
Anyone who takes money for the works of the Holy Spirit is a fraud. God says...
"Heal the sick, raise the dead, cure those with leprosy, and cast out demons. Give as freely as you have received!" -- Jesus (in Matthew 10:8)
Pastor Michael doesn't charge anything for his help.
Monthly tithing partnership with The Word of Christ Ministry is welcome to support this Christian ministry's work in delivering the Gospel of Christ and the message of salvation to the world and to offset preparation, mailing, and other expenses associated with your personal process.
Members/financial supporters of this ministry receive “members only” priority help and priority response via email and Live Chat. Tithing can be stopped whenever you feel you will no longer need spiritual help, blessing, and protection.
+++ Can I talk to Pastor Michael on the phone? Can I call him directly? Can Pastor Michael call me? -
The best and quickest way to get in touch with Pastor Louri is via email - Pastor.Michael@MichaelLouri.com. Text and LiveChat options are also available. For your protection, due to the very complex nature of deliverance, curse/voodoo/spells/witchcraft removal, Pastor Michael refrains from in-person and direct voice communication to ensure and maintain the integrity of the process and to eliminate variable factors of psychological, emotional, and other types of possible interference from forces of darkness within demon-oppressed/curse bound subject.
+++ Is there a local church where I can go and see Pastor Michael? -
The Word of Christ Ministry is not a church but a deliverance and spiritual oppression removal ministry, and its primary focus is exactly that - deliverance and spiritual warfare against spiritual oppression.
As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, and to make deliverance and spiritual protection services more accessible and affordable to more people in need, all of The Word of Christ Ministry's in-person services and events have been transitioned into an "online" format. There are over 380,000 Christian churches in the United States and more than 37 million worldwide, so if you are trying to find a good local traditional church to hear the Gospel, learn the Bible, and grow as a Christian, there are plenty of good churches around, and Pastor Michael will gladly recommend one local to you.
The Word of Christ Ministry is a global missionary ministry with outreach in 32 countries and regional coordination centers in San Diego, California, London, United Kingdom, and Sydney, Australia. The Word of Christ Ministry brings the Gospel of Christ and church to people in need and works to establish strategic mission partnerships with local churches to support missionaries and charity projects worldwide.
Unlike many "prosperity preachers" and false teachers - "false prophets" of modern days, who commercialized and perverted the Gospel of Christ, Pastor Michael does not perform any types of public, commercial, televised healing sessions or mass evangelism.
Pastor Michael's work is focused on individual/personal deliverance, removal of spiritual oppression, spiritual protection, healing, supporting, and leading to salvation through Jesus Christ one person at a time, helping thousands around the globe every year.
+++ Can someone who committed suicide still go to heaven? -
Don't be deceived by anyone who tells you that, for sure, evil spirits are talking through that person. It is very, very difficult for someone who committed suicide to go to heaven. (Why is suicide not an option?)
+++ If Pastor Michael doesn't charge anything for his help, why does he do all this? -
The main reason God allowed Pastor Michael to "cross" to the "other side" and to come back is to be a messenger and tell everyone that the end times are approaching and not much time left, to warn that “Many will come in my name, claiming... ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many..." - Matthew 24:5, to warn against false teachings... “The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons” -- 1 Timothy 4:1, to tell the truth about the existence of life after death, heaven, and hell, and through the ministry of healing and deliverance to bring as many people to salvation as possible, and to show that “Jesus is “the Resurrection, and the Life”, and anyone who believes in Him will live forever in heaven, even after dying”. Through this ministry, God touches people's hearts worldwide, giving them new hope and a bright future.
You can visit additional Frequently Asked Questions HERE.
Members Support
The Word of Christ Ministry
How to Start:
For Deliverance, removal of Voodoo, Witchcraft, Curses, and other forms of Spiritual Oppression, and Continuous Spiritual Protection, please REGISTER below to become a member/tithing partner of The Word of Christ Ministry.
A recurring tithing/donation partnership with The Word of Christ Ministry (Word316.org) serves as your tithing to the Lord, helps offset weekly/bi-weekly preparation, mailing, and other expenses associated with your personal process, and allows this Christian ministry to deliver the Gospel of Christ and the message of salvation to the world.
Through your tithing partnership, God's Word touches people's hearts worldwide, giving them new hope through salvation in Jesus Christ.
God will abundantly bless you for your help and partnership.
After the registration, The Word of Christ Ministry will notify Pastor Michael of a new member/tithing partner. Pastor Michael will contact you with more information and specific instructions to start the process.
+++ What is tithing? Why is tithing important? -
The Bible is very clear about the connection between tithing and blessing. Read more on the "What is tithing?" page.
Register for recurring
tithing/donation partnership with
The Word of Christ Ministry:
Question: How much should I donate/tithe? Will anyone know if I give less than 10% tithe? Will deliverance still work? Will my spiritual oppression still be removed? -
Answer: “Should people cheat God? Yet you have cheated me! “But you ask, ‘What do you mean? When did we ever cheat you?’ “You have cheated me of the tithes and offerings due to me. You are under a curse...
-- God (in Malachi 3:8-9)
If the options above don't represent your 10% tithing,
you can donate/tithe any other recurring amount
For general prayers only, if you have already sent an email to Pastor Michael, no additional steps are required. Pastor Michael will add you to his general prayers list. Needless to say, all prayers are free - Pastor Michael doesn't charge anything for his prayers.
With this option, you WILL NOT be receiving important items for deliverance, spiritual oppression removal and protection against curses, voodoo, spells, witchcraft removal, and continuous spiritual protection on a weekly/bi-weekly basis.